Fast 4 Basketball

Venue:  Otamatea High School Gym, Maungaturoto

Time:  6 PM to 8 PM

Start Date:  Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Finish Date:  Wednesday, 4 December 2024


  • 5-week competition
  • 20 minute games.  Minimum one game per night, per team
  • Five players max per team.  Each team must have two women players and/or two players under the age of 15 (must be 13 or 14 on start date of comp) on the court at all times
  • No players younger than 13 years old (must be 13 before start of comp)
  • $75 per team
  • Register on Gameday
  • Email Blake Worsfold at blake@ruraldesign.co.nz for any queries

Bank account details:

Kaipara Basketball Association


Particulars: Fast4 and your teams name

Thank you!